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South African Donations


International Donations


Abbreviation of Projects

Please quote clearly these abbreviations as reference if donating to these specific projects:

PAM PSI Alien Management
PYEA PSI Youth Eco-Adventures
PB PSI Baboons
PR PSI Recycling
PC PSI Conservancy
POW PSI Offroad Workgroup
PEMBAT PSI Eco-mountain Bike Adventures and Trails
PFPA PSI Fire Protection Association
PWFT PSI Wildfire Training
PAES PSI Alternative Energy Solutions
PGWC PSI Green Winetasting Club
PQP PSI Quagga Project
PEAR PSI Environmental Awareness and Response[incl Reliance, Graafwater, Sonop]
PBS PSI Botanical Surveys and Wildflower Harvesting
PPP PSI Preschools Projects
PPA PSI Preschool and Aftercare
PEMLP PSI Early Music Literacy Project
PAP PSI Aftercare Projects
PCEI PSI Conservation Education Initiative
PTP PSI Tourism Project
PPD PSI Property Development PVC Paardeberg Visitors Centre
PMR PSI Mountain Retreat
PAW PSI Agriculture and Wine
PGBO PSI Green Building Options
BFAP PSI Farming Academy at Paardeberg
PE PSI Erosion
CLP PSI Lion Project
PSI PSI Sustainability Initiative [General Fund]